June 6- Should FDA regulate nicotine?
June 13- Replacing lost tissue with embyronic stem cells
June 17- Who should own the human genome?
June 20- Smallpox: Tomorrow’s nightmare?
June 24- Curing AIDS just got harder
June 27- Impossible dreams: Fad diets
July 1- Do prions threaten our blood supply?
July 4- Monsanto should renounce the terminator
July 8- Mind over matter in rats
July 11- 140 years without Darwin are enough
July 15- Why we grow old and cancer cells don’t
July 18- Biodiversity behind bars
July 22- Is Flipper a senseless killer?
July 25- Answering evolution’s critics
July 29- The hard question about smallpox
August 1- Do-it-yourself environmentalism
August 2- How genetic engineering is done
August 3- Finding useful genes: Cassava’s relatives
August 4- The real promise of genetic engineering
August 5- Measure the risks of bioengineering
August 6- Should we label genetically modifiied crops?
August 12- Why fat people are hungrier
August 15- Did Darwin get it wrong?
August 29- Human evolution alive with controversy
September 5- Yes, Virginia, there is a jackalope
September 9- Combination drug therapy for AIDS
September 12- Learning: Making smarter mice
September 24- Progress in gene therapy
October 1- Can scientists starve cancer tumors?
October 8- Was Malthus mistaken?
October 10- Keeping Darwin out of schoolrooms
October 15- Explaining this year’s Nobel Prize in Medicine
October 22- The secrets of your genes on a microchip
October 29- Going batty on Halloween
November 5- Understanding the cause of cancer
November 12- Darwinism at the cellular level
November 19- The silent epidemic of hepatitis C
November 26- Dinosaurs for Thanksgiving dinner
December 3- New drugs to fight high cholesterol
December 10- The killer bees are coming
December 17- Unravelling the mystery of aging
December 24- The scientific theory of Santa Claus
December 31- Science in the new millennium